EMPTY LEG Alert Service
Sign up to receive email alerts about the latest available Empty Leg flights at American Flight Support.
You can choose routes and cities of interest so that you only get alerts that are relevant to you. Or you can choose to leave cities and routes blank to get a full update of all new Empty Leg flights.
We send out alerts every Monday and Friday. If you set location preferences, you will only receive an email when we have flights that match your preferences. If you do not set location preferences, you will receive an email with all empty legs added to our site in the last 7 days.
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By clicking ‘Subscribe To Alerts’ you are agreeing to receive emails from American Flight Support detailing Empty Leg Flights. We will not use this address to contact you for other purposes and we will never sell your email address to third parties.
You can unsubscribe from this service by using the unsubscribe link in the Empty Leg aert email.