When deciding whether to make the investment into a Jet Card, take this into consideration. Most jet card programs promise point-to-point pricing, but what they don’t tell you is that they increase the hourly rate of the aircraft to accommodate repositioning and one-way costs. American Flight Support’s (AFS) on-demand charter provides you with better-priced options without having to make a substantial financial commitment.
Most Jet Card programs require you to spend anywhere between $25,000 to $150,000 upfront only to secure fixed inflated pricing. With many Jet Card programs, you must also sign up for a specific size aircraft (light, mid-sized, heavy, etc.) and must pay a penalty for needing an aircraft in a different category. Many guaranteed availability but charge a premium on short notice. AFS has a network of over 4,500 premium aircraft in all categories and can find options for any trip needed.
The devil is in the details… A common practice of Jet Card programs is that they don’t include any initiation fees, membership dues, or FET taxes (7.5%) in their fixed rates, instead they deduct them from the balance you have already provided them.
So before you decide to commit yourself or your company to an overpriced card program, give American Flight Support a call for a quote and see how much you can save!